NAVKAR SYSTEMS Remote Power Supply to Operate Electronic Door Lock by Remote from Any Floor
NAVKAR SYSTEMS Remote Power Supply to Operate Electronic Door Lock by Remote from Any Floor
- Suitable for Home/Office
- Protect the power supply from water exposure
- Easy Installation, No Expert Required, High Quality and Reliable, Branded Product with 1 Year Warranty & Bill
- Box Contents: Remote Power Supply
- Size, Look and Color of Remotes and Power Supply may change as per availability due to continuous upgradation
- Wired switch can also be connected to open the lock using this power supply
The NAVKAR SYSTEMS Relay Power Supply for Electronic Door Lock is a versatile and reliable solution for controlling electronic door locks. The system includes a relay power supply unit that provides the necessary power to operate electronic door locks. It ensures stable and reliable power delivery for seamless operation. Compatibility: The system is compatible with all types of audio/video door phones, making it suitable for various applications such as residential buildings, commercial offices, hotels, schools, etc. It seamlessly integrates with existing security systems for enhanced access control. Easy Installation: The system is designed for easy installation, requiring no expertise or special tools. Users can set it up quickly and effortlessly, saving time and effort during installation.